Stella Borealis IV - Blog Comments, Letters and Stuff
I've been collecting articles off of the papers, magazines and the internet for years and years (maybe 40) figuring I would look at them again some day. It'll take me as much work to store them on a blog as it would on my hard drive. And you get to see the things about which I become exasperated.
Friday, June 08, 2007
You're The Poisonwood Bible!
by Barbara Kingsolver
Deeply rooted in a religious background, you have since become both
isolated and schizophrenic. You were naively sure that your actions would help people,
but of course they were resistant to your message and ultimately disaster ensued. Since
you can see so many sides of the same issue, you are both wise beyond your years and
tied to worthless perspectives. If you were a type of waffle, it would be
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
I grew up with Pope Pius (he died when I was 16, but in those days before live television, he was a very remote figure to me, and probably most American Catholics).
I have a question about the canonization process which is taking place at a time when many of the Vatican’s records from the World War II period are just being released and it will be many years before the records up until the year of his death in 1958 will be released.
Have the officials responsible for the ultimate recommendation had access to all of those records still kept under lock and key?
Pius’ role in World Affairs after the Soviet Union took over Eastern Europe and Mao took over China might be something need to be examined.
I doubt that anything but laudable actions would be discovered.
But I guess my real question is “Is it too soon for his canonization?”
Comment by ray from mn — 8 June 2007 @ 3:03 pm