Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"I'm O.K. with you being a Catholic, as long as you aren't actually Catholic"

Originally posted on Recovering Dissident Catholic on June 4, 2007
Ray from MN said...

There are a lot of CINO's out there. And they feel threatened by ORCIMMN!'s out there (Orthodox Roman Catholic is my middle name!).

I have been volunteering at the local Veterans Hospital for the past few months. Frankly some of my most rewarding interactions with patients are with those who admit that they haven't been a good Catholic.

The honesty brings tears to my eyes.

Today a patient admitted that he hadn't been practicing his faith. It sounded like he had had almost no education in his faith. He was in for some major surgery and admitted that he had been near death.

That got him reminiscing a bit and he mentioned a time when he was in Vietnam and his Division was engaged in some kind of major movement and as the men moved by, a "Mexican Priest" stood on a high platform and "splashed water on us" and prayed the Hail Mary over them.

He claimed that he had always remembered the prayer and agreed to say it with me (but he didn't remember most of the words).

I later brought him a little prayer book with the words and asked him to pray "one Hail Mary a day."

Many of you might have heard Father Corapi tell how his mother send him a holy card with the Hail Mary on the back and asked him to do that when he was at his lowest in California. It worked.

June 04, 2007 4:51 PM


At August 16, 2007 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful :-)

I'll put all suffering Catholic vets in the remainder of this eve's Rosary.

At December 23, 2009 3:17 PM, Blogger bathmate said...

very good posting. i liked it. :-)



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